The Vaults of Meow is able to operate through the donations of visitors. Please consider joining.Push/Pull Collection Method (male cats only)
by Urbanater
- You need to choose your breed of feline carefully. Different breeds have different chemical components mixed with the 5-(MeO-W) Best breed actually depends on the individual. For beginners I recommend an ordinary housecat. More experienced users oftenly seek out exotic breeds , such as ; Siamese , Persian , Bobcat , etc...
- Your feline donor needs to be well relaxed and hydrated. Diuretics are often used in conjunction with hydration. Some deem this as inhumane.
- Gently roll your donor onto his back , take time to keep the donor relaxed . As a mad cat isn't easy to work with. Have a glass 100 Ml. beaker ready to collect the CP.
- Gently insert your finger into the donors rectum , ( KY makes for a less frisky donor). The feline bladder is approximately 2-3 inches in and directly above the colon.
- Simultaneously push on the donors bladder & pull back the sheath covering the penis. A steady stream of CP should pour into the collection beaker. A well hydrated cat should produce 40-75 Ml. of CP , depending on size and breed of donor.
Exp Year: 2000 ID: 127 Added: Oct 31, 2001 Views: 1234
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