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Push/Pull Collection Method (male cats only)
by Urbanater


  1. You need to choose your breed of feline carefully. Different breeds have different chemical components mixed with the 5-(MeO-W) Best breed actually depends on the individual. For beginners I recommend an ordinary housecat. More experienced users oftenly seek out exotic breeds , such as ; Siamese , Persian , Bobcat , etc...
  2. Your feline donor needs to be well relaxed and hydrated. Diuretics are often used in conjunction with hydration. Some deem this as inhumane.
  3. Gently roll your donor onto his back , take time to keep the donor relaxed . As a mad cat isn't easy to work with. Have a glass 100 Ml. beaker ready to collect the CP.
  4. Gently insert your finger into the donors rectum , ( KY makes for a less frisky donor). The feline bladder is approximately 2-3 inches in and directly above the colon.
  5. Simultaneously push on the donors bladder & pull back the sheath covering the penis. A steady stream of CP should pour into the collection beaker. A well hydrated cat should produce 40-75 Ml. of CP , depending on size and breed of donor.

Exp Year: 2000 ID: 127
Added: Oct 31, 2001 Views: 1234

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